Computer Science Superheroes

Guido Van Rossum

Guido Van Rossum photos

Guido Van Rossum was born on January 31st 1956 and is still alive today. He graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science. He won an award from the Computer History Museum Fellow Award Program. His main contributions to computer science are working on the ABC programing language and creating the python coding language. ABC was a coding language designed to be easy to use for scientist without a programming background. He later for fun decided to make his own language building off of the ABC language. This turned out to be Python which is used today in many different applications and introductory programming courses. Python was important because it is a simple language that many people can easily learn and use. The most interesting thing I found out while researching him was that python was based off another coding language.

Some more links to look at

Computer History: Guido Van Rossum

Guido Van Rossum's personal website

Interview with Guido Van Rossum

Python gif

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