Computer Science Superheros

Grace Murray Hopper

Grace Hopper photos

Grace Murray Hopper was born on December 9th 1906 and died January 1st 1992. She attended Vassar College and graduated with a degree in mathematics and physics. In 1930 she received her masters degree in mathematics from yale and in 1934 she Completed her PhD in mathematics from yale. She won many awards in her lifetime, like the Yales Wilbur Lucius Cross medal, the National medal of Technology, and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom to name a few. Some major contributions to Computer Science made by her were helping program the Harvard Mark 1, 2 and 3, Helped develop the first electronic computer, helped work on the UNIVAC 1 which was a computer meant to be used by everyone, and helped develop the first computer language called A-0. Her contributions to the Mark 1, 2 and 3 were important because they were used by the Navy. The UNIVAC 1 was important because it was the first computer meant to be sold commercially. The computer language A-0 was important for translating math code into code machines can use.The most interesting thing I found is that she helped with the calculations for the ran numbers which were used for the plutonic bomb.

Some more links to look at

Yale article about Hopper

Women's History about Hopper

Navy article about Hopper

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